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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Saying Thank You to Everyone (entry 15)

July 6

One of the goals in yesterday’s blog was to express the thankfulness Karen and I feel in our hearts for all the care I and my family have been receiving from so many people.
We Love the Church - We Love you!

If you have ever visited my study at the rectory, you will have seen a picture which was given to me by the youth of St. Albans Church in Badger’s Quay. It shows a quote from Victor Hugo :

"The greatest happiness in life is the conviction that we are loved “.

Hugo went on to say this-- “loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."

I have always found Victor Hugo’s reflections to be very meaningful, but the one above has always been special to me. I remember when the children gave me the plaque, one of them said “See Revd. John, we do listen to your sermons!”
There were tears of joy from me in Church that morning......It is so wonderful to have your ministry affirmed!
It reminds me of another Hugo quote: "Joy's smile is much closer to tears than laughter."

How wonderful to Know (not just hope, or long for, or wonder after, or pray that maybe….) but to Know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you are loved!

For me as a follower of Jesus, these words carry a lot of weight.
First of all , I believe them to be an accurate description of the goal Jesus has for us - That we Know beyond the shadow of a doubt that God loves us.
Secondly, these words remind each of us that we are called to do whatever we can , to love others in radical ways. (We call that “Authentic Community” at St. Martin’s- we are not perfect, but we are working on it for His sake!)

The old phrase “Christ has no hands but ours" should never be allowed to become a clique .
It is found in a prayer by St. Teresa of Avila:

Lord Christ,
You have no body on earth but ours,
No hands but ours, No feet but ours.
Ours are the eyes through which your compassion
Must look out on the world.
Ours are the feet by which you may still
Go about doing good.
Ours are the hands with which
You bless people now.
Bless our minds and bodies,
That we may be a blessing to others.

Another story of a sighting of grace in the Valley of the Shadow

Among the thanksgivings and blessings we have received, I have another little story to share with you.
Most of you know we have an older house in Glenwood. The house is over 60 years old, sits pretty much in the middle of town on a nice wooded lot. It has been used since my father died as a temporary residence for some of our children, nieces, and others needing a place to stay. We have offered it to folks and couples who need a place to get away. It serves as a quiet meeting place from time to time.

Relatively very few clergy have their own homes , and Clergy do not live in a “free house”! With the exception of a few clergy in the Diocese who receive housing allowances, we live in a parish rectory, and the provision of housing carries a value that we receive instead of stipend. We depend on savings over the years to make sure we can provide for shelter when the time comes to retire.
Our old house needed some serious renovations, so a few years ago, I took a deep breath, gathered my tools and began the work that is still in progress. First a rewiring job, A new roof, basement repairs, a new porch, new Windows and Siding. One thing led to another, and we began to strip out the old “Ten Test” on the walls. I discovered that the house was not insulated properly, so that became another item on the long list!We have recenty had a second rewiring completed so we could remove ann aging oil furnace and install electric heat.

I love doing my own work, and work for others as well. Given my mecanical and building background,it is great to be able to use the gifts God has given you!

To make a long story short, the house inside was “up in slings”. I had planned to use my holidays this year to reconnect the plumbing, get the kitchen and living rooms functional again, so we could enjoy the place once more.
I want to share with you as well, that when I began feeling unwell several months ago, my prayer to God was to help me get this work done, so that if something was seriously wrong with me, Karen would have a home to live in. Small and humble maybe, but a place to call home. I had managed to refit, plaster and paint the bathroom, install drywall in the kitchen and living room. A lot left to be done however, no cupboards up no appliances installed, plastering unfinished ,no water in the kitchen and so on. After my diagnoses, we simply had to put this work on the back burner.No Money,No energy, no time for this now. We placed it in the Lord's hands in the hope that I might get well enough someday....

Unknown to us, a small group of our friends had been making plans. They asked Karen for the house key to go have a look, and before they stopped, our kitchen renovation was almost complete! The plastering, painting, crown trim has been completed in the kitchen and living room, the cupboards and appliances have been installed in the kitchen, and we can use the house again as soon as the spring cleaning is done. There is still much to be done at the old house, but we have a renewed sense of love for the place. We love to be able to share the place with everyone,and I will have a place to go after the radiation therephy later this summer for a quiet time and recovery. That was our friend's goal.

Frustration and worry has been replaced by hope because of the gift of friendship in action. It is impossible (again I say) to express how thankful we are - but we are, for this gift, and for each and every day of love with our friends and family.

John Keble wrote a poem in 1867 entitled “Hues of the Rich Unfolding Morn in 1827. We sing some of the words in the Hymn : New Every Morning Is the Love these are two of my favourite verses from the hymn

If, on our daily course, our mind
Be set to hallow all we find,
New treasures still, of countless price,
God will provide for sacrifice.

Old friends, old scenes, will lovelier be,
As more of heaven in each we see;
Some softening gleam of love and prayer
Shall dawn on every cross and care.

Thanks be to God .


Anonymous said...

AS ALWAYS AS YOU WISH...............

Anonymous said...

I just sent you a lengthy note but may have have lost it before posting it but can't get it back like I would on Hotmail msgs...sorry. It was about sending you DVDs to listen to called "A Love letter from God to You"..Pls confirm if recd...if not I will try again. It was sent as Anonymous profile...
God Bless you......Roy Freake...lol

Elissa said...

God puts us in each other's way for a reason, and I think Him everyday for putting my path on a collision course with those "House Elves" of yours, Dad, and so many others.

I moved back to Newfoundland on a spur of the moment instinct. I had no idea, at the time, what sparked the desire to come home in me. Now, every day, through this journey, I am given one more small reminder why I needed to be here.

I like to pretend to be a writer, but, with such actions as these, my words fail me. For all that you have done, all of you, thank you form the very bottom, both sides, and the top of my heart.

Thank you.

Darren said...

Rev. John my prayers are with you.

I have been reading the posts and not sure what to say. I think it's because I can relate so much to your stories. People who are sick can truly understand what it means when you say the long hours thinking in a hospital, the feeling of blood stopping in your veins when we receive more troubling news, the fear of uncertainty, the physical and mental pain, watching the look of helplessness on friends and family. I have felt that they are the ones who suffer the most. It hurts to see the worry and pain in our family. It just isn't right.
One thing I have experienced in my own journey is a feeling of peace. I'm ok with what is in store for me down the road and have made peace with it. I have felt the power of prayer and it was and still is with me today. All the prayers from you, your church and many other church groups gave me the greatest gift of all. The one that keeps giving forever and that is the gift of being prayed for.
After reading your Blog I have been uplifted by your determination, raw emotions and honesty. Through your blog you give us an insight into what your going through. In turn this makes us who have been there share a bond with you and we truly relate to what your going through. For those who are not sick it will give them strength when they do. I wish you all the best of mind, body and soul Rev. John.
I'm unable to work now but I look back at our chats in my office, all our dealings professionally and personally and am truly delighted you were in my life for a number of years. I no longer live in Gander as it was easier to move closer to the Dr's and hospitals that are more able to care for me. I don't get to see you and the people of Gander as much anymore but think of you all the time.
Rev.John I respect you and thanks for being...you.

Darren Kieley

Michele Pelley said...

God Love You Rev. John.... like Darren, I'd like to add that I can speak from sitting on the other side of the proverbial fence, as the family member.... it's so hard to sit and watch your loved one being so helpless, BUT I will say that faith can get you through any situation. When Clint was ready to be moved from the ICU after almost 30 days, the head nurse just looked at me standing beside his bed and said that she really learned something from watching us... and that was that there REALLY was a GOD! Need I say more...God love you Rev. John and I know that God will keep you in his hands .... I found that was the best that I could ask for....Love always, Michele