It was the day of my last chemotherapy treatment.
We were at the hospital for radiation on Monday,and on the way out Karen noticed that I hadn't received my appointment card for my blood work. We ran down to the chemotherapy unit to see what to do,and one of the nurses took my blood right away,and had it sent to the lab. It saved us a lot of time on the next day,because normally I would have blood work done on the morning of treatment,and have to wait until my blood counts were safe.
Everything was a go on Tuesday, my blood counts were fine - and I received my treatment with thanksgiving.
Now I am in that period where I wait to see how sick the treatment might make me. I am well fortified with anti Nausea medications,and the doctors at the cancer clinic have me in for an hour a day for an I.V. to give me some more medicine,and to keep me hydrated.
I had a great day on Wednesday ,and even though last night was a terrible one (no sleep,upset stomach, the radiation burns really hurting...regular stuff now),I am very optimistic that I'll get through this in one piece!
Tomorrow I will have my last radiation treatment. I have got to know the staff there and in the Cancer Clinic as well as anyone is able under my circumstances. It's tough not being able to converse,but there are so many ways of communicating! They have been wonderful.
I have developed a habit of prayer and meditation that I use during the radiation sessions always envisioning the sounds of the machine as beautiful purple healing rays,that are a gift from God.
A good friend of mine tells me that he would sing during the sessions: What a Friend We have in Jesus. It helped him time the session,and keep his heart focused on the loving presence and promises of God in his life. I love it!
The actual sessions are not very long,and I have actually found them to be relaxing and comforting. The side effects are many,but after tomorrow the healing begins!
Come Lord Jesus,in the fullness of your Grace. I receive your love.
Me,mask on,secured to the table preparing
The Radiation Machine
Excellent! Now it really is on to recovery only! Christ's Healing and Peace be in you! Love and hugs,
John, Stella and Matt!
you are truly amazing, I have felt blessed to be able to be a part of your healing. God bless you and keep up the good work. speedy recovery.
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